Additional Features

The OCO online casino offers additional features that incentivize user engagement and provide opportunities to win exciting prizes. These features include daily tournaments and leaderboards.

Users can participate in daily tournaments for a chance to win rewards. The specific criteria for winning these tournaments will be clearly outlined within the platform.

As for OCO’s leaderboard, it provides a comprehensive overview of user statistics, including:

  • Total casino winnings: This displays the total amount of USDT won by all players across the platform.

  • Player OP balance: This reflects the current amount of OP a player holds.

  • Player ranking based on OP: This section ranks players based on their accumulated OP, fostering a competitive spirit.

  • Player daily bet sum: This displays the total amount a player has wagered within 24 hours.

  • OP earned through daily referrals: This section shows the number of OP a player has earned through successful referrals.

The top ten players on the leaderboard at the end of each day will receive exclusive prizes.

Last updated