$OCO Tokenomics

The $OCO tokenomics are designed to foster a stable and thriving ecosystem within the OCO online casino. 7,777,777,777 $OCO tokens will ever be created, ensuring scarcity and potential value appreciation. 100% of tokens are allocated on launch, promoting fairness and immediate accessibility.

Here’s a breakdown of the distribution:

  • Liquidity Pool (75%)

A significant portion of the tokens are allocated to the liquidity pool. This ensures sufficient liquidity for smooth trading on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), contributing to token stability.

  • Marketing & Community Building (15%)

To ensure widespread adoption and a vibrant community, 15% of tokens are dedicated to marketing efforts. This includes raising awareness, attracting users, and fostering community engagement.

  • Game Development (5%)

A designated allocation is reserved for ongoing game development within the casino. This fuels the creation of new features, functionalities, and improvements to enhance the player experience.

Here’s a graph explaining the tokenomics of the OCO token:

Liquidity pool (LP)



Marketing wallet



Development for games wallet



Team wallet



By implementing this transparent distribution model, OCO prioritizes long-term sustainability and fosters a thriving ecosystem for token holders, players, and the overall OCO platform.

Last updated